30 Days of Thankful - Day 8: Laughter, people that appreciate my nerdiness, and learning new words... even if they're made up.
I laughed a lot yesterday. I think the point in the trip where everything becomes hilarious is creeping in on me. It's infinitely better than the point in the trip where everything becomes annoying. :) I honestly can not remember what I was laughing at, but I know there was a ton of out loud laughter. And I'm beginning to realize that I tend not to laugh out loud. This is something I'm trying to change... because seriously, I love to laugh.
I also made a ton of Doctor Who references. I really really try and contain my nerdy when I'm around people that I know don't like what I like... but today I couldn't. And at about reference number 10 I decided to make as many references about daleks, the TARDIS, time travel, sonic screwdrivers, and not blinking as I possibly could. I lost count. It was amazing. And even if the coworkers only humored me about appreciating my nerdy, I know I truly have friends that like that about me. I like it about me.
We've been trying to teach the people from Louisville words from California that they can take back with them. Here are a few that came up:
Bomb.com (or just adding .com to any word... the response to this was, "I think I will need to educate the Kentuckians... I'm going to need to add .edu instead")
Perfect (one guy uses this word so much that we've resorted to tallying them every day... it's fun)
Hella? (apparently these last 3 are primarily Bay area/ Nor Cal words... oh well)
Suckfully (this is one that I've been promoting for awhile... I don't think it's catching on)
Swow (super wow... of course)
Again... laughter.
30 Days of Thankful - Day 9: Confidants, the ridiculous, coffee, and hot water.
I am so thankful for people I can confide in. And, inversely, people that confide in me.
So much about the ridiculous I love. People are weird. And I love that.
Coffee... isn't this self explanatory? I don't sleep well... coffee wins.
And a hot shower saved me today. I was so cold, and so just... in a funk. Hot water washes away the grim.
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