Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I have a problem. I'm not sure if it's just me, or if it happens to a lot of people. My problem is a lack of ability to convert inspiration to something tangible.

I feel like I'm creative. I appreciate art, beauty, words, music... Why can I not create this? These experiences (and I call them experiences because they're more than just things aren't they? Essentially, it really is an emotional attachment of something we've encountered... isn't it?)... these experiences make me think and have shaped who I am and whenever I see, read, hear something that inspires me I give up trying to explain my reaction before I even start. Mostly because I believe it won't be possible to compete with what just happened. It was portrayed perfectly. I probably shouldn't muck it up.

I want to create things.

I've been told I hold back too much. In everything I do. I think my real problem is that 1) I still do care what other people think, even though I shouldn't, and 2) I don't know what I think.  How can I be honest when I'm not sure what is true? 

I want to be more than this.  I am more than this.

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